Monday, June 28, 2010

Dear Disney Pixar/Writers of Toy Story 3:

What the crap?!!!!!!  Don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED the movie.  There were many times where I was laughing out loud and the story line was perfect but could you please warn a sister that she was gonna need a kleenex! 

Thank You,
from a mom who's realized her children are growing up WAY too fast.

I just can't seem to keep up...

This blog is beginning to get the best of me.  I mean I would love to sit down everynight and post about the day's events but let's face it, with 3 boys running around like monkey's on speed, it ain't gonna happen.  A lot has happened since my last post, SEC Baseball tournament, Landon's 4th birthday, and your typical boy adventures.  Let's start off with the SEC baseball tournament shall we...

Several weeks ago the boys got to go watch Alabama play in the SEC tournament and they loved it! 

Former Cullman Bearcat Josh Rutledge, Eugene and Hayden are becoming somewhat of a stalker when it comes to this guy, seriously.

Gotta love 'em

A few shots from Landon's pool party birthday.  It was absolutely the most perfect day to hang out at the pool, grill some burgers and hotdogs, and eat cake : )

The birthday boy!  I promise that's not a booger hanging from his nose, it's a scab from being punched in the nose by a 7 year ol boy at the ball park (long story, don't get me started, let's just say "mama took care of business")


Carson and Aunt Ashley acting a fool

What's pool party without a dinosaur cake?

Thanks to everyone for the wonderful gifts!

These next photos leave me speechless, really.

I know what you're thinking "Why are you letting him play in his clothes?" Well to be honest I wasn't outside when all this started to occur, it was their daddy watching them, does that explaing things?  Mmm hmm I thought so.  It's amazing what a little spray and wash and oxyclean can do ; )

A face only a mother could love.

I cannot begin to explain the smell that reeked from their little bodies when they were through playing.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Boys are SO gross!!!

As I sit here typing this post there are many thoughts running through my head.  Thoughts about how disgusting little boys can be, all the future disgusting moments I am sure to face throughout the coming years and my poor daughters-in-law (please note I apologize YEARS in advance for what my sweet little boys will do as your husband).

We all know that boys stink, that's a given.  It doesn't matter if you've just given them a bath and got them to smelling the best that they can possibly smell.  Give them 5 minutes outside and they'll come in smelling like they haven't bathed in a week.  What's up with that?

I have had many "gross" stories over the past 6 1/2 years, poop running out the diaper of Carson while playing in his exersaucer and he's slippin' and slidin' across the bottom and got is squished between his toes, Landon throwing up in the bathtub, TWICE in one day, Hayden pulling severed worms from his pocket and asking me to kiss it.  The list goes on and on but this particular incident make have taken the cake...

Monday when I came home I did my usual routine of straightening up the house from the "tornado" that comes through everyday about 4:00.  I got to the boys bathroom and noticed the hand towels were just thrown on the towel rack and not neatly folded like they normally are.  At first I was pleased because they had obviously washed their dirty little hands and dried them off.  I grabbed one towel to fold it and started to hang it back up when I noticed there was something smeared all over it.  The closer I got to inspect it I noticed what it was, the smell hit me instantly as I leaned in for a closer look.  Yep, you guessed it, it was poop!

I immediately called in the suspects to interrogate and as soon as Landon saw me holding the towel in my hand he yelled "But mama I couldn't help it!"  Apparently what had happened was he went to use the restroom and ran out of tissue and decided to grab the closest thing he could find instead of asking Me-Maw to bring him some more tissue.  Whatever!  I just wished he would have put it in the hamper like he normally does with his dirty clothes.

Luckily I caught it in time because Eugene always shaves in the boys bathroom and grabs the hand towel to dry off his face.  I can just see him coming out of the bathroom with poop all over his face.  BLAH!!