Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Papa!

This weekend we went out to eat for Papa's birthday.  He turned the B-I-G 50!!!!!!  He wanted to eat at AJ's so we met them there and had a great meal and then they came back to our house for birthday cake. 

Mom and I were wanting to surprise him with his cake but when your children see you make the cake they can't help but spill the beans.  The first thing out of Landon's mouth at the restaurant was...

"Papa, my mom made you a cowboy boot birthday cake!"

I mean it's kinda hard to keep it a secret when your children are watching your every move at making the cake.  Oh well, it was funny none the less.  Here's a few photos from Saturday night.

Look at those anxious little faces waiting to get some cake!


Haley said...

Kala, thanks so much for commenting on my blog - you are so sweet! I remember Chad telling me about you, and believe me, he misses all of you SO MUCH! His new territory is less than desirable (even though it's closer to home) and he definitely doesn't have the kindest people to work with like he had with you all at Cullman and in Huntsville. I will have to tell him you said hello! I am glad you have a couple of blogs; I will add them to my list. And I will definitely let you know about the bouncy seat. I love going to Cullman and shopping at that Better than Before consignment store downtown. I have found the cutest baby clothes there! There are probably more stores that I don't even know about. You'll have to let me know!
Your boys are absolutely adorable! I look forward to keeping up with you! Tell everyone there hello for Chad - I know he'd appreciate it. Maybe we can make a visit one day.

Sarah said...

Kala, Did you REALLY make that cake?? I only ask because it's absolutely FABULOUS!!! I am super impressed!
God's blessings, Sarah :D